Results for 'Alma López Vale'

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  1.  24
    The constitution of the identity through the relationship with ghosts.Alma López - 2016 - Cinta de Moebio 56:197-213.
    The problem of identity is one of the milestones of philosophical thinking. It is a complex question, a prism with multiple vertices. In this paper I will focus on two key-concepts related to identity, namely, death and community. Death stands as end of life, but as a possibility of it. The ghost "appears", then, in a privileged position for the dialogue and the understanding of this phenomenon. Moreover, as social beings, neither individuals can be separated from the community in which (...)
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    Las harmonías del alma del mundo platónico.Luis Alberto Fallas López - 1998 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia):73-93.
    Se parte de la idea de que el mundo platónico no es el de las ideas sino el que se capta desde la sensibilidad. En el plano histórico-filosófico se recurre a los pitagóricos, aunque el autor no acoje en su totalidad la idea de que sólo los números resuelven la cuestión del mundo. A cambio, apela a una escala musical, propendiendo hacia una estética de lo sublime que exalta la sensilbilidad, la cual irrumpe con una nueva racionalidad en conflicto con (...)
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    Cosmología, biología y origen del alma en al-Fārābī y Avicena.Luis Xavier López-Farjeat - 2019 - Ideas Y Valores 68 (169):13-32.
    Se discute cómo pueden dos filósofos islámicos sostener que la generación del cuerpo es necesaria para que se origine el alma y, al mismo tiempo, afirmar que ésta puede separarse del cuerpo, ya sea transformándose en un intelecto inmaterial ‒en el caso de al-Fārābī‒, o bien en un alma individuada e inmortal ‒en el caso de Avicena. El primero es cercano al hilemorfismo peripatético; el segundo adopta un dualismo robusto. Se argumenta que la integración de la cosmología, la (...)
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    Clemente de Alejandría. De la clínica del logos para la virtud del alma.Álvaro Luis López Limón - 2019 - Voces de la Educación 4 (7):147-159.
    This article shows the results of an investigation registered in the field of pedagogy. The scenario and starting point to situate our company is the fact of knowing that the subordination of education is increasingly greater than the mechanisms of the free market economy; besides that, a real reform of the education will not be carried out if the elements for the construction of the professional identity of the educator are not analyzed in depth, we think that a substantial reform (...)
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    (1 other version)El ser humano en Los ensayos de Miguel de Montaigne.Jairo Ramón López Hernández - 2023 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 38:71-97.
    La pregunta por el ser humano en Montaigne atraviesa todo el libro de Los ensayos. Una pregunta que se responde Montaigne en su proceso de pintarse y describirse, donde encuentra toda la condición humana. Al ir escribiendo se encuentra con el in-terrogante ¿Qué se yo? Que busca dar respuestas en sus fluctuantes escritos, los cuales reflejan su experiencia de vivir como un humano, orgulloso y miserable, endiosado y humilde, dualizado y unificado, en un ser que es cuerpo y alma (...)
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    Avempache en el De Anima de Alberto Magno: Algunas Consideraciones sobre el Intelecto Agente y las Formas Separadas.Luis Xavier López-Farjeat - 2005 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 29 (1):171-201.
    La propuesta sobre el objetivo supremo del ser humano ofrecida por Avempache —filósofo y comentador aristotélico—, consiste en la unión absoluta de ambos: el intelecto-alma del sujeto y el intelecto agente, éste caracterizado por ser uno, separado, eterno, además de que contiene en sí las formas espirituales universales de todas las cosas. Por esta razón la inmaterialidad del alma así como su inmortalidad están garantizadas, debido a la absoluta espiritualidad del intelecto. Es por la corrupción dada en las (...)
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  7. Esquirol, Josep Maria. La escuela del alma. De la forma de educar a la manera de vivir. Editorial Acantilado, 2024. 188 pp. [REVIEW]Santiago López Posada - 2024 - Escritos 32 (69):1-3.
    Este texto de Esquirol corresponde a su última obra dedicada a la escuela. En ella el autor ha meditado, de manera elocuente y concreta, sobre las formas de la educación y la manera de vivir. Esquirol propone una nueva perspectiva sobre la _escuela_. Esta no es solo el lugar al que se va en cierto momento de la vida, sino en la que el humano permanece, comprendiendo que la educación es un proceso que abarca toda la vida.
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  8. El hombre y el animal. Nuevas fronteras de la antropología.Leopoldo José Prieto López - 2008 - Madrid: Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos.
    Centrando la atención inicialmente en el cuerpo humano, algunos estudiosos (biólogos y filósofos) han descubierto en el mismo una serie de rasgos físicos atípicos, inexplicables a la luz de la sola biología. Estos caracteres físicos proporcionan los datos necesarios de los que se han valido las doctrinas antropológicas aquí estudiadas para concluir (en un sentido filosófico, como es propio de su método) que el cuerpo humano es el correlato físico del alma de una criatura racional. La ilimitada apertura de (...)
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    Unamuno: de la pesadilla nihilista al ensueño de totalidad.M. Figuera López - 1996 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 13 (S1):363.
    Unamuno es un apasionado de su ser. En su dialéctica que es hegeliana en el sentido de limitación-tensión, él es el protagonista y, frente a él, un mundo de sombras shakespearianas en el que se perfilan como antagonistas Dios, el mundo, el otro y todo aquello que limite, ya sea en el espacio, ya sea en el tiempo, ya sea ontológica o psicológicamente, su yo. El mundo le acucia a conocerlo para incorporarlo a sí mismo. Apasionadamente lo encuentra y desencuentra (...)
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    (1 other version)El conjuro de las imágenes: Aby Warburg y la historiografía del alma humana.María del Rosario Acosta López - 2011 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 44:117-135.
    El artículo se propone abordar el pensamiento de Aby Warburg acerca de la relación entre imagen, historia e historiografía del arte, a través del trabajo que realiza el autor en su texto “Profecía pagana en palabras e imágenes en la época de Lutero” ). Se trata de mostrar cómo en este texto los distintos niveles y las “polaridades” que se ponen en movimiento para el análisis de la imagen como “símbolo”, coinciden con aquellos niveles y polaridades que para Warburg describen, (...)
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  11.  32
    Icons of Love and Devotion: Alma López's Art.Guisela Latorre - 2008 - Feminist Studies 34 (1-2):131-150.
  12.  16
    El corazón y el alma en la poesía de Ramón López Velarde.Alfredo Rosas Martínez - 2023 - Valenciana 31:157-188.
    En la poesía de Ramón López Velarde es fundamental la presencia del corazón y del alma. Ambos conceptos no son simples y únicos, sino complejos y diversos. Hay un corazón confesional e íntimo, llamado “Corazón de San Agustín”; un corazón como órgano del cuerpo, conocido como “Corazón de Harvey”; y un corazón simbólico, el cual recibe el nombre de “Corazón de León”. En correspondencia con estos elementos, hay un alma individual, perteneciente al sujeto lírico; un Anima mundi, (...)
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    Contemplación, virtud y felicidad: La búsqueda del alma según Plotino.Nicolás Torres Ressa - 2023 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 79.
    Si quisiéramos agrupar en torno a preguntas algunos de los principales núcleos de la filosofía de Plotino, esas preguntas podrían ser las siguientes: “¿quiénes somos?”, “¿de dónde venimos?” y “¿hacia dónde vamos?”. A lo largo de las _Enéadas_ el Licopolitano se vale de metáforas locativas y temporales para dar cuenta de la unidad subyacente a todas las almas y de la búsqueda que el alma humana debe emprender para regresar a esa unidad. Nuestro filósofo puntualiza que la unidad (...)
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    Arte de bien morir y La contienda del cuerpo y alma: un incunable toledano de 1500.Blanca López de Mariscal, Guadalupe Rodríguez Domínguez & Anton López de Meta (eds.) - 2019 - Frankfurt am Main: Vervuert.
    El presente volumen incluye la edición crítica, acompañada de un completo estudio introductorio, del Arte de bien morir, texto en prosa sin autor declarado, y de La contienda del cuerpo y alma, una composición en verso firmada por Antón López de Meta. Ambas obras integraban un mismo libro destinado a preparar al hombre para enfrentar su tránsito final hacia la vida eterna y forman parte de la tradición del Memento mori.
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    El nuevo libro del alma racional de Ramón Llull.Ramon Llull - 2019 - Pamplona: EUNSA. Edited by Celia López Alcalde.
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  16. Falling in Love.Pilar Lopez-Cantero - 2022 - In André Grahle, Natasha McKeever & Joe Saunders (eds.), Philosophy of Love in the Past, Present, and Future. Routledge.
    Most philosophers would agree that loving one’s romantic partner (i.e., being in love) is, in principle, a good thing. That is, romantic love can be valuable. It seems plausible that most would then think that the process leading to being in love—i.e. falling in love—can be valuable too. Surprisingly, that is not the case: among philosophers, falling in love has a bad reputation. Whereas philosophy of love has started to depart from traditional (and often unwarranted or false) tropes surrounding romantic (...)
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  17. Sustainable Development and Corporate Performance: A Study Based on the Dow Jones Sustainability Index.M. Victoria López, Arminda Garcia & Lazaro Rodriguez - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 75 (3):285-300.
    The goal of this paper is to examine whether business performance is affected by the adoption of practices included under the term Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). To achieve this goal, we analyse the relation between CSR and certain accounting indicators and examine whether there exist significant differences in performance indicators between European firms that have adopted CSR and others that have not. The effects of compliance with the requirements of CSR were determined on the basis of firms included in the (...)
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  18.  38
    The physics and the philosophy of time reversal in standard quantum mechanics.Cristian López - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):14267-14292.
    A widespread view in physics holds that the implementation of time reversal in standard quantum mechanics must be given by an anti-unitary operator. In foundations and philosophy of physics, however, there has been some discussion about the conceptual grounds of this orthodoxy, largely relying on either its obviousness or its mathematical-physical virtues. My aim in this paper is to substantively change the traditional structure of the debate by highlighting the philosophical commitments underlying the orthodoxy. I argue that the persuasive force (...)
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    Addressing harm in moral case deliberation: the views and experiences of facilitators.Benita Spronk, Guy Widdershoven & Hans Alma - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-11.
    In healthcare practice, care providers are confronted with decisions they have to make, directly affecting patients and inevitably harmful. These decisions are tragic by nature. This study investigates the role of Moral Case Deliberation in dealing with tragic situations. In MCD, caregivers reflect on real-life dilemmas, involving a choice between two ethical claims, both resulting in moral damage and harm. One element of the reflection process is making explicit the harm involved in the choice. How harmful are our decisions? We (...)
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  20.  14
    Revolution and continuity in philosophy: “Medievalism” and “modernity”.Pablo López López - 2001 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 46 (3):467-474.
    Este artigo revisa a idéia de filosofia “medieval” and põe ênfase na variedade de significados daquela palavra. O autor crê que necessitamos de uma nova terminologia para aquele período da história do pensamento e sugere, por razões históricas, as expressões “United Age” e “Formation Age”. Em todo o artigo prevalece uma tentativa de compreender a natureza da atividade filosófica e da história da filosofia.
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    Food democracy: possibilities under the frame of the current food system.Marta López Cifuentes & Christina Gugerell - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (4):1061-1078.
    Food democracy is a concept with growing influence in food research. Food democracy deals with how actors may regain democratic control over the food system enabling its sustainable transformation. Following multi-level perspective framework's connotations, food democracy research has so far mainly focused on the niche level of the food system. An integrative approach that includes the perspectives of both the regime and the niche is still missing. This study addresses this research gap and proposes a new conceptual framework for food (...)
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  22. Structural encroachment.Aliosha Barranco Lopez - 2024 - Philosophical Issues 34 (1):59-71.
    Moral encroachment states that moral factors can make a difference to what we are epistemically justified in believing. I present two motivating cases that resemble a common example in the moral encroachment literature to show that the agent's commitments and beliefs, and not the moral factors of the situation, influence epistemic justification. I call this view Structural Encroachment.
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  23. Philosophy and the Non-Native Speaker Condition.Saray Ayala-López - 2015 - American Philosophical Association Newsletter in Feminism and Philosophy 14 (2).
    In this note, my aim is to point out a phenomenon that has not received much attention; a phenomenon that, in my opinion, should not be overlooked in the professional practice of philosophy, especially within feminist efforts for social justice. I am referring to the way in which being a non-native speaker of English interacts with the practice of philosophy.1 There is evidence that non-native speakers are often perceived in prejudiced ways. Such prejudiced perception causes harm and, more importantly, constitutes (...)
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  24.  12
    El símbolo del castillo interior en Sohravardi y en Santa Teresa.José Antonio Antón Pacheco - 2023 - Isidorianum 9 (17):149-166.
    Aparte de los ejemplos añadidos por Miguel Asín Palacios y Luce López-Baralt, en los que se aprecia la presencia del símbolo de castillo interior en la mística islámica, el símil de los siete castillos del alma de los siete castillos del alma se encuentra también en el filósofo persa filósofo persa Shihaboddin Yahya Sohravardi (siglo XII). Por tanto, se trata de un antecedente de Santa Teresa de Ávila en el uso de este símbolo.
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    On the Possible Existence of a ‘First Law of Environmental Stewardship’: How Organisations Bring Volunteers Together in Social and Geographic Space.Christina W. Lopez & Russell C. Weaver - 2022 - Environmental Values 31 (4):463-492.
    This article contends that environmental organisations vary in type, scale and purpose in ways that help stewards self-sort into the opportunities that align with their individual motivations and environmental concerns. To explore these potential links between personal motivations and environmental organisational attributes, we rely on descriptive and inferential statistics from surveys of two partner environmental organisations: one local scale community based-organisation and one a broader scale environmental non-profit organisation, both located in Central Texas, USA. These partners were selected based on (...)
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  26. Rauschenberger, Walter, Die staatsrechtliche Bedeutung von Staatsstreich und Revolution.Alma von Hartmann - 1925 - Kant Studien 30:207.
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  27. Attention and Representational Precision.A. Lopez - 2024 - In Robert French & Berit Brogaard (eds.), The Roles of Representations in Visual Perception. Springer.
    Visual experiences often feel crisper, sharper or more vivid when one pays attention to the seen object. According to some representationalist theories of perception, these felt effects occur because attentive experiences represent more determinate or precise properties than their inattentive counterparts: a color experience represents vermillion rather than red if the color is perceived with attention rather than without it. Recently, this idea has been expressed in terms of ranges of feature values represented, so that attentive experiences shall represent narrower (...)
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  28. Tercera Edad: diferentes percepciones y necesidad de relaciones basadas en una nueva ética social.Ana Esmeralda Rizo López - 2007 - Kairos: Revista de Temas Sociales 20:3.
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    The acquisition of skills in clinical reasoning by medical students.Aquiles José Rodríguez López, Cecilia Valdés de la Rosa & Julieta Salellas Brínguez - 2013 - Humanidades Médicas 13 (1):72-87.
    Se realizó revisión bibliográfica sobre la adquisición de las habilidades de razonamiento clínico en los estudiantes de medicina y sus principales deficiencias, los principios didácticos que rigen la actividad y el desarrollo de las habilidades en la Educación General, así como su aplicación en el proceso de enseñanza- aprendizaje en la carrera de Medicina, concretados en cómo realizar el enfoque de dicho proceso en los diferentes momentos de la actividad: orientación, ejecución y control. A bibliographical revision on Medicine students acquisition (...)
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    Professional values of nurse lecturers at three universities in Colombia.Arabely López-Pereira & Gloria Arango-Bayer - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (2):198-208.
    Objective: To describe the professional values of the nurse lectures according to 241 nursing students, who participated voluntarily, in three different universities of Bogotá. Methodology: This is a quantitative, descriptive cross-sectional study that applied the Nurses Professional Values Scale—permission secured—Spanish; three dimensions of values were applied: ethics, commitment, and professional knowledge. Ethical consideration: Project had ethical review and approval from an ethics committee and participants were given information sheets to read before they agreed to participate in the project. Findings: It (...)
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  31. Side constraints and the structure of commonsense ethics.Theresa Lopez, Jennifer Zamzow, Michael Gill & Shaun Nichols - 2009 - Philosophical Perspectives 23 (1):305-319.
    In our everyday moral deliberations, we attend to two central types of considerations – outcomes and moral rules. How these considerations interrelate is central to the long-standing debate between deontologists and utilitarians. Is the weight we attach to moral rules reducible to their conduciveness to good outcomes (as many utilitarians claim)? Or do we take moral rules to be absolute constraints on action that normatively trump outcomes (as many deontologists claim)? Arguments over these issues characteristically appeal to commonsense intuitions about (...)
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  32.  16
    Nurses' ways of talking about their experiences of (in)justice in healthcare organizations: Locating the use of language as a means of analysis.Camelia López-Deflory, Amélie Perron & Margalida Miró-Bonet - 2023 - Nursing Inquiry 30 (4):e12584.
    Nurses have their own ways of talking about their experiences of injustice in healthcare organizations. The aim of this article is to describe how nurses talk about their work‐life experiences and discuss the discursive effects that arise from nurses' use of language regarding their political agency. To this end, we present the findings garnered from a study focused on exploring how nurses deploy their political agency to project their idea of social and political justice in public healthcare organizations and how (...)
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  33.  35
    No communication without manipulation: A causal-deflationary view of information.Cristian Ariel López & Olimpia Iris Lombardi - 2019 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 73:34-43.
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    Selective forces for the origin of the eukaryotic nucleus.Purificación López-García & David Moreira - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (5):525-533.
    The origin of the eukaryotic cell nucleus and the selective forces that drove its evolution remain unknown and are a matter of controversy. Autogenous models state that both the nucleus and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) derived from the invagination of the plasma membrane, but most of them do not advance clear selective forces for this process. Alternative models proposing an endosymbiotic origin of the nucleus fail to provide a pathway fully compatible with our knowledge of cell biology. We propose here an (...)
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  35. Inri: Canción eco-po-ética para un Chile zuritano.Juan E. Villegas Restrepo - 2014 - Escritos 22 (48):169-188.
    Gracias al invaluable aporte hecho por Foucault, hoy sabemos que la transición del acto de tortura de un espacio público y abierto a un espacio cerrado y secreto trajo consigo una serie de repercusiones filosóficas, políticas y físicas de gran complejidad. No obstante, vale la pena significar que, dentro del contexto de las dictaduras militares del cono sur, el acto de la tortura –si bien fiel a su naturaleza cerrada, inaccesible y secreta– evidenció en ciertos casos una regresión atávica (...)
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  36. Grande Sertão: Veredas by João Guimarães Rosa.Felipe W. Martinez, Nancy Fumero & Ben Segal - 2013 - Continent 3 (1):27-43.
    INTRODUCTION BY NANCY FUMERO What is a translation that stalls comprehension? That, when read, parsed, obfuscates comprehension through any language – English, Portuguese. It is inevitable that readers expect fidelity from translations. That language mirror with a sort of precision that enables the reader to become of another location, condition, to grasp in English in a similar vein as readers of Portuguese might from João Guimarães Rosa’s GRANDE SERTÃO: VEREDAS. There is the expectation that translations enable mobility. That what was (...)
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    Recovering Georg Lukács.Daniel Lopez - 2015 - Historical Materialism 23 (1):265-289.
    I reviewGeorg Lukács ReconsideredandGeorg Lukács: The Fundamental Dissonance of Existencefrom a Lukácsian point of view, informed by a close reading of his works from the 1920s. The essays in these books, despite their heterogeneity, contribute towards revivifying Lukácsian Marxism, both philosophically and literarily. Specifically, many of the contributors criticise Honneth’s appropriation of the theory of reification, rejecting readings of Lukács that hypostatise or reify aspects of his theory. They begin to explore Lukács’s labour-centred ontology and the resultant philosophy of praxis, (...)
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    Postural Communication of Emotion: Perception of Distinct Poses of Five Discrete Emotions.Lukas D. Lopez, Peter J. Reschke, Jennifer M. Knothe & Eric A. Walle - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:256361.
    Emotion can be communicated through multiple distinct modalities. However, an often-ignored channel of communication is posture. Recent research indicates that bodily posture plays an important role in the perception of emotion. However, research examining postural communication of emotion is limited by the variety of validated emotion poses and unknown cohesion of categorical and dimensional ratings. The present study addressed these limitations. Specifically, we examined individuals’ (1) categorization of emotion postures depicting 5 discrete emotions (joy, sadness, fear, anger, and disgust), (2) (...)
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    Combining Recurrence Analysis and Automatic Movement Extraction from Video Recordings to Study Behavioral Coupling in Face-to-Face Parent-Child Interactions.David López Pérez, Giuseppe Leonardi, Alicja Niedźwiecka, Alicja Radkowska, Joanna Rączaszek-Leonardi & Przemysław Tomalski - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Coronashaming: interpersonal affect worsening in contexts of COVID-19 rule violations.Belén López-Pérez, Yaniv Hanoch & Michaela Gummerum - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (1):106-119.
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    Towards a broader understanding of agency in biomedical ethics.Rodrigo López Barreda, Manuel Trachsel & Nikola Biller-Andorno - 2016 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 19 (3):475-483.
    With advances in medical science, the concept of agency has received increasing attention in biomedical ethics. However, most of the ethical discussion around definitions of agency has focused either on patients suffering from mental disorders or on patients receiving cutting-edge medical treatments in developed countries. Very little of the discussion around concepts of agency has focused on the situation of patients suffering from common diseases that affect populations worldwide. Therefore, the most widely-used definitions of agency may be not appropriate to (...)
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    Rethinking Vulnerability and Exclusion: Historical and Critical Essays.Blanca Rodríguez Lopez, Nuria Sánchez Madrid & Adriana Zaharijević (eds.) - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume offers novel and provocative insights into vulnerability and exclusion, two concepts crucial for the understanding of contemporary political agency. In twelve critical essays, the contributors explore the dense theoretical content, complex histories and conceptual intersection of vulnerability and exclusion. A rich array of topics are covered as the volume searches for the ways that vulnerable and excluded groups relate to each other, where the boundary between the excluded and the included arises, and what the stakes of ‘invulnerability’ might (...)
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    Materialismo consumista e (in)felicidad: una revisión de la bibliografía.Manuel López-Casquete, José A. Muñiz-Velázquez & Diego Gómez-Baya - 2018 - Arbor 194 (788):452.
    En este artículo llevamos a cabo una extensa revisión de la literatura científica en lo relativo a los vínculos entre materialismo y felicidad, desde un enfoque multidisciplinar que incluye la psicología, la comunicación, la economía y la ética. La línea dominante en la bibliografía insiste en vincular un mayor materialismo con una menor auto-percepción de felicidad y de bienestar, y con una mayor propensión a la depresión. En esta revisión atendemos a los aspectos que así lo evidencian, al rumbo actual (...)
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    (1 other version)Congreso Mundial sobre la Ciencia, UNESCO-ICSU, Budapest, 26 de junio-1 de julio de 1999.Cerezo José A. López - 2000 - Theoria 15 (1):185-187.
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    Interview with Prof. Dr. Ilja Srubar (Prague, Konstanz, Erlangen).Anush Yeghiazaryan, Daniela Griselda López & Ilja Srubar - 2024 - Schutzian Research 16:17-28.
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  46. Equal Subjects.Claudio López-Guerra - 2017 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 45 (4):321-355.
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    Constructions and negationless logic.E. G. K. López-Escobar - 1972 - Studia Logica 30 (1):7 - 22.
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    De la naturalización de la violencia a la banalidad del mal.Dayan López Bravo - 2017 - Ratio Juris 12 (24):111-126.
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    Participación pública en política tecnológica: problemas y perspectivas.José A. López Cerezo, José A. Méndez Sanz & Oliver Todt - 1998 - Arbor 159 (627):279-308.
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    Los riesgos de los deepfakes para la democracia y las perspectivas de regulación.Efraín Fandiño López - 2024 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 5 (10):e240167.
    Este artículo realiza un análisis del impacto de los deepfakes en el marco de los procesos democráticos, enfocándose en cómo estas sofisticadas manipulaciones digitales pueden erosionar la confianza pública, interferir en elecciones y generar polarización. Se estudia la progresión de las ultrafalsificaciones desde su creación hasta alcanzar un alto grado de sofisticación, destacando cómo los avances en tecnología de inteligencia artificial han potenciado su realismo y complicado su detección. Se hará alusión a varios casos en Francia y Colombia, con el (...)
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